Best Blenders & Juicers
3 min readSep 24, 2020

Does Omega Cold Press 365 Juice Vegetables?

Omega Cold Press 365 Juicer H3000D
Omega Cold Press 365 Juicer H3000D

Omega Cold Press 365 juices all types of fresh produce including vegetables both the hard and soft kind. For example, it juices beets, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and more. It juices stringy vegetables like celery. All produce is juiced with equal ease and large amounts of juice extracted. The extracted juice has the original taste of the vegetables and also maximum nutrition. The Omega Cold Press 365 juices in a different way which allows it to extract maximum juice with minimal loss of nutrition.

What about leafy greens? Does the Omega Cold Press 365 juice them?

It juices all types of greens very well indeed. Kale, spinach, cabbage, wheat grass and more are juiced and juice extracted in good amounts. The nutrition content of greens is extracted and retained in the juice due to the nature of juicing. Maximum nutrition is retained as there is no loss to either heating or air.

Omega Cold Press 365 Juicer
Omega Cold Press 365 Juicer H3000D

What benefits do you get out of juicing with Omega Cold Press 365?

It uses a very slow and powerful method of extracting juice. Due to the nature of juicing no heating or shaking of juice takes place. This ensures the juice is full of nutrition and no loss occurs. The juice is of high quality and few parts. So cleaning is very much simplified.

Why Should You Go for An Omega Cold Press 365 H3000D?

There are several reasons why you should choose an Omega Cold Press 365 H3000D.

The produce you juice with Omega Cold Press 365 H3000D has high nutritional value. It uses the high power combined with slow speed to extract juice. This method lowers the exposure of the food to oxygen while retaining all the enzymes and nutritional content of the produce you juice.

It helps in improving one’s gut health. In our digestive tracts there are trillions of bacteria which keep our gut working well. When you eat healthy and plant-based diet, it improves our overall health and also the diversity of gut bacteria. This naturally helps in reducing problems of obesity, diabetes, heart related diseases and in auto-immune related inflammations.

There is another important reason why you should go for juicing with Omega Cold Press 365 H3000D. The juice has natural nutrients that promote better health, energy levels, reducing cravings and leading to weight loss. When you feed your body the good stuff it stops craving for the bad stuff. This curbs binge eating, eating of sugary carbs. When you drink nutritious juice as part of your healthy diet you promote weight loss and also stay healthy.

What helps to preserve nutrition when juicing with Omega Cold Press 365?

The slow speed of rotation and lack of heat when juicing are two primary reasons for the maximum nutrition retention when juiced with Omega Cold Press 365. Heat and oxygen are enemies of enzymes and antioxidants. With the juicer generating neither we get great quality juice.

Do you get a boost of immunity with juice from Omega Cold Press 365?

Yes, certainly. The juice from Omega Cold Press 365 is highly nutritious. Nutrition is key to having the immunity chugging along smoothly. By drinking nutrition-packed juices made by your Omega Cold Press 365 you can give your body a huge boost in nutrition.

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